2010 Census
It's that time again. The U.S. Census Bureau is about to begin its Constitutionally-mandated count of everyone who resides in the United States. While their web site provides plenty of information about the census process, here are some highlights:
- March, 2010: Census forms will be mailed or delivered to American households.
- April 1, 2010: National Census Day - if your forms are not returned by that date, you will probably be visited by a census taker. Census takers, who will be working to collect data between April and July of 2010, will not come to your home if you've mailed in your census questionnaire.
- Be sure to check out this information about what to expect and how to verify the identity of a census worker.
- If you're concerned about the security of the information you report, be sure to read Protecting Your Personal Information.